Tara Presents DeBeers Code of Origin

Tara Fine Jewelry Company now offers diamonds featuring the Code of Origin from the DeBeers Institute of Diamonds.

This program allows you to know the full journey of the diamond you select, how it was formed, where it was mined, what it looked like before cutting and polishing, and the positive impact your diamond has had on the lives of the community where it was mined, as well as our planet.



The Code of Origin is an inscription less than 1/5000th of a human hair in thickness that provides you with the assurance that the diamond you buy is beautiful, natural, rare, and responsibly sourced.

The Unique Code of Origin found on your diamond is the assurance that your treasure from the Earth is conflict-free. Your beautiful diamond provides jobs, health care, education, and wildlife conservation, benefiting the communities where diamonds are mined, cut, and polished.

DeBeers is a 135-year-old diamond mining company.

Historically, DeBeers has owned as much as 80% of the world’s diamond supply.

DeBeers does not cut or polish diamonds. They are in the business of mining/excavating diamonds.




  • Some of the prettiest diamonds ever mined, to date, have been mined by DeBeers. 
  • DeBeers Diamonds are exceptional and known worldwide, from the rat pack era, including Liz Taylor, and Sammy Davis Jr. They have also been owned and worn by numerous athletes and musicians throughout the globe.
  • DeBeers is the partner/curator of the crown jewels of England.
  • When it comes to diamonds, DeBeers is the world’s foremost authority.


Tara buys directly from DeBeers sightholders, there is no more direct source for responsibly sourced diamonds.  Tara, through its partnership with De Beers, provides you with the assurance of the finest selection of natural diamonds at the best price.

Tara is one of only 5 diamond companies in the world currently partnered with DeBeers offering Code of Origin Diamonds from the DeBeers Institute of Diamonds.  Here is an article from JCK magazine announcing the program.

While any DeBeers diamond can receive a Code of Origin verification, Tara has curated a special selection of diamonds that are rarer than 99.9% of diamonds discovered by DeBeers in a given year.

These beautiful Tara/DeBeers diamonds are building futures by protecting the natural world.  Community partnerships are changing lives where these diamonds are discovered through jobs, education, and healthcare and empowering girls in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics). 



A Tara diamond with the Code of Origin from the DeBeers Institute of Diamonds is your assurance that your diamond is beautiful, rare, responsibly sourced, always paired with 5-star customer service with the very best prices the industry has to offer.

We invite you to Contact Tara Fine Jewelry Company at info@tarafinejewelry.com to schedule an appointment to see first-hand one of these breathtaking diamonds.

Call us at 770-932-0119 to speak with a DeBeers Code of Origin ambassador.

Visit us in person at;
Tara Fine Jewelry Company
1829 Buford Highway
Buford, GA 30518

Click the link for the Code of Origin experience  https://institute.debeers.com/en-gb/origin